Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Click on the above link to view the syllabus.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Last Week of School!

Health: Work on Stress Book: Sign up for healthy food party.
Science: Present constellation posters

Health: Finish Stress Book due at end of class
Science: Movie: Atlas of the Sky~Discussion Questions

Health: Healthy Food Party
Science: Movie: Atlas of the Sky: Discussion Questions due at end of class

Morning~ Night at the Museum/Afternoon~ end of the year pizza party and year book signing
Have a great summer:)

Monday, May 11, 2009

May 11th Lessons/Assignments

Science Standards Covered this Week: Strand 6: Earth and Space Science
Objective: Students will identify key constellations in the northern hemisphere.

Health: Drug Addiction~ At what point do people become addicted to drugs?
Science: Constellation Project

Health: Drug addiction movie/discussion questions
Science: Constellation Project/ All Band and absent students MUST make-up their moon phase quiz and solar system test if they have not done so today!

Health: Stress/Stressors
Science: Student will create their own constellation and myth that represents them

Health: Stress Management Techniques
Science: Work on personal constellation poster

Helath: Begin Stress Book
Science: Present Constellation projects!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

May 3rd Lessons/Assignments

Science Standard 6: Earth and Space Science
Students will understand the phases of the moon and corresponding eclipses.
Health: Computer Lab~ Finish drug research project. DUE TOMORROW!
Science: Phases of the Moon~ Intro to moon phases, tides, and eclipses.

Health: Present power points.
Science: Moon Phase Lecture~ Note taking foldable

1/2 Day~ Mother's Day Project

Health: Stimulant Drugs vs. Depresssant Drugs
Science: Oreo Cookie Moon Phase Lab~ create paper plate study guide.

Health: Finish Drug Lecture
Science: Quiz over moon phases

Sunday, April 26, 2009

April 27th Lessons/Assignments

Science Standards Covered this Week!: Strand 6: Earth and Space Science, Concept 3: Earth in the solar system PO6: Explain the relationship between common objects in space.

Health: Fast Food Restaurant Presentations
Science: Last day to work on Planet Powerpoint/ Project DUE AT END OF CLASS!

Health: Introduction to Illicit Drug Unit
Science: Present Planet Powerpoints

Health: Illicit Drug Research Project~ Identifying the harmful effects of common drugs
Science: Planet Powerpoint presentations

Health: Computer Lab~ Research projects
Science: Finish Presentations~ Review planet information (foldable activity)

Health: Computer Lab~ Research projects
Science: Planet Quiz

Monday, April 20, 2009

April 20th Lessons/Assignments

Science Standards Covered this Week!: Strand 6: Earth and Space Science, Concept 3: Earth in the solar system PO6: Explain the relationship between common objects in space.

Health: Super Size Me! The truth about McDonald's
Science: Finish Science Fair presentations: Computer Lab: Begin Planet Project. Students will be creating a powerpoint about a chosen planet in our solar system.

Health: Super Size Me!
Science: Computer Lab: Planet Project

Health: Finish super size me, complete worksheet.
Science: Computer Lab: Planet Project

Health: Fast Food Analysis: Students will look at local fast food restaurant menu's and identify healthy and non-healthy foods.

Friday: 7th grade Harkin's Field Trip: EARTH

Saturday, April 11, 2009

April 13th Lessons/Assignments

Science Standards Covered This Week!: Strand 6: Earth and Space Science; Concept 3: Earth in the solar system PO6: Students will explain the relationship between common objects in the solar system.

Health: Analyze information from nutritional analysis. Begin Nutrition paper.
Science: A "tour" of the solar system! Students will be given a visual representation of the relative size of the planets in our solar system and their relative distance from each other and the sun. Activity: Toliet paper solar system: Thinking map notes.

Health: Work on nutrition paper
Science: Read chapter on Inner and Outer planets: Tree-map notes

Wednesday: 1/2 Day Academic Field Day: Science Station will be rocket launching!

Health: Reading a food label: Students will be introduced to the importance of reading food labels/ and will analyze actual food labels in class.
Science: Present Science Fair Projects: Students will provide feedback for their fellow classmates.

Health: Fast Food Nation: Today we will discuss the harmful effects of consuming fast foods. This will lead in to the film Super Size Me next week!
Science: Present Science Fair Projects.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

April 6th Lessons/Assignments

REMINDERS: Edible car race this Thursday! Bring in your cars on Thursday in order to receive credit for this assignment!
Science Fair Projects due Thursday April 16th!

Health: Nutrition Lecture~ Essential Nutrients (Fats, Carbs, Protein, Vitamins, Minerals, Water)
Science: Astronomy Introduction~ Rotatation vs. Revolution Note-taking activity. Reading study guide due at end of class.

Health: Check Food Journals~ Complete carbo-charged and fatty-boom-balatty worksheet due at end of class. Go over nutritional analysis plan.
Science: Gravity Lab: Students will predict what they will weigh on other planets and conduct and experment to test their predictions.

Health: Computer Lab~ Nutritional Analysis
Science: Finish Gravity Lab~ DUE AT THE END OF CLASS!

Health: Computer Lab~ Finish Nutritional Analysis


Saturday, March 28, 2009


Science: Students will view the movie Jurassic Park and complete the Adopt-A-Dinosaur Project this week.
Health: Students will create their essential nutrient ad and present on their assigned nutrient.




Sunday, March 22, 2009

March 23rd Lessons/Assignments

Science Standards Covered this Week!
Strand 6: Earth and Space Science
Main Topic: Fossilization

Health: Introduction to Health: What does it mean to be healthy?
Science: Tyrannosaurs Mess Activity: Students will understand why it's so difficult for palentologist to put together a dinosaur skeleton.

Health: Students will learn the 6 essential nutrients the body needs to function.
Science: Fossil excavation lab: Students will excavate and identify common fossils according to their properties.

Health: Essential Nutrient Ad
Science: Finish fossil excavation lab

1/2 day Parent Teacher Conferences
Health: Work on Nutrient Ad
Science: Collect Changing Earth textbook pass out new book and Workbook!

1/2 day: Parent Teacher Conferences
Health: Work on Nutrient Ad
Science: Go over Peep Mobile Race and Science Fair!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

March 9th Lessons/Assignments

Science Standards Covered this Week: AZ Strand 6 Earth and Space Science
Main Topic: Fossilization and Geologic Time

Health: Video Tape Public Service Announcements
Science: Chapter 4 Overview of Geologic Time~ Read Section 4.3 Go over Timeline project requirements. Geologic Time Worksheet due at the end of class.

Health: Finish taping public service announcements begin stress management unit.
Science: Assign groups an Era (precambrian, Mezosoic, Cenozoic etc.) Work on timeline project.

Health: Stress Across Life Time Activity/Stress management brochure
Science: Work on Timeline Project due at end of class.

Health: Stress management brochure
Science: Types of fossils~ Molds and casts, petrified wood, trace fossils (IF YOU HAVE ANY SAMPLES OF FOSSILS AT HOME BRING THEM IN TO SHARE!) Students will be making their own mold and cast fossils today in class.

Health: Last day of health class :( Healthy food party!
Science: Observe Mold and Cast fossils take home today. Review scientific method for science fair project! Get started over spring break, don't procrastinate!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

March 2nd Lessons/Assignments

Science Standards Covered this Week: AZ Standard 6: Earth and Space Science~ Students will be able to label the parts of a volcano


Monday: Health: Student will be creating role plays to refuse drugs. They will base their role play off the drug they researched for the drug research project.

Science: Pass Back quizzes. Finish up volcano presentations from groups who were absent. In class activity~ The anatomy of a volcano

Health: Work on role plays

Science: Finish anatomy diagram/Smartboard activity

Wednesday: 1/2 day Read Across America Activity

Health: Present Role Plays
Science: Warm-up~ Anatomy of a volcano: Meet the Krafts~ Students will see what it's like to be a volcanologist while viewing the video volcano. The video will also review the different types of volcanoes and lava.

Friday: Field Trip: Holocaust Play in the morning~ Shortened classes in the afternoon.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

February 23rd Lessons/Assignments

Science Standards Covered this week:
Strand 6: Earth and Space Science~ Students will describe how volcanoes helped shaped the Earth.
Students will be able to label the parts of a volcano.
Students will be able to explain what causes volcanic eruptions.

Health: Presentations~ Complete group feedback form
Science: Presentations~Complete group feedback form

Health: Drug Lecture: Stimulants vs. Depressant drugs and how they affect your body
Science: Circle Map on Volcanoes~ Lecture on the 3 types of volcanoes Shield, Composite, and Cinder Cone. Use Salt dough to model in class.

Health: Inhalants, Steriods, and OTC drugs. What are the effects?
Science: Different types of lava.

Health: Illegal Drug folables! Review tomorrow.
Science: Vocabulary review, create foldable for quiz tomorrow.

Health: Complete study guide for test next Tuesday.
Science: Quiz over the types of volcanoes/types of lava. Be prepared to label diagrams and recognize descriptions of each type.

Monday, February 16, 2009

February 17th Lessons/Assignments

Health: Present drug power points
Science: Computer Lab: Continue working on volcano power point~ introduce smartboard tools for students

Health: Finish presenting drug power points
Science: Computer Lab (final day) projects due at the end of the hour. Students will have the opportunity to use the smartboard tools to enhance their presentations.

Health: Lecture~ The truth about drugs!
Science: Presentations

Health: Drug Review Foldables
Science: Presentations

Health: Drug Review Study Guide
Science: Volcano Reading Study Guides A and B due at the end of the hour!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Famous Volcano Power Point Requirements

You will choose a volcano to research—either one that is currently active or one that has been active in the past. (See the attached list)
You will produce a 5 minute power point presentation with the information below. Please make sure you include enough information to fill the time limit of 5 minutes.

What are the Requirements?
These are the items that MUST be included on your presentation:

▫ The location of the volcano.
▫ A brief description of where it gets is name
▫ What kind of volcano it is: strato, composite or shield and its activity level
▫ What causes volcanic eruptions
▫ When the volcano has erupted in the past
▫ A description of past volcanic eruptions or what could be expected of a future eruption.
▫ How people were affected by the eruption (or how would people be affected by the eruption)?
▫ What kind of danger is involved in living near the volcano
▫ Whether it is expected to erupt again in the future
▫ At least one picture of the volcano
▫ At least one map depicting the volcano’s location
▫ Graphics supporting your content

Tips on Making a Power point
· Break text into chunks or bullets so that it is easy for the reader to digest
· Do not overload the presentation with paragraph’s of text, in other words, DON’T COPY AND PASTE!!! I WILL KNOW IF YOU SIMPLY TOOK INFORMATION OFF THE INTERNET AND DID NOT PUT IT IN YOUR OWN WORDS.
· Let the presentation represent a natural progression of information (introduction on the first slides, more detailed content in the middle slides, and conclusion information at the end.)
ANSWER: A lot! 100 to be exact!
50 pts for the power point (having all the information, not copying and pasting info off the internet, included graphics and pictures, overall appearance)
25 pts for completing the volcano reading study guides
25 pts for the presentation (was it 5min long, were you professional (no giggling, easy to hear and understand, did you know what you were talking about or did you simply just read the slides?)

February 9th Lessons/Assignments

I will be gone on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of this week. Mrs. Barker will be subbing for my class. I will be away from my computer until Monday. Please be patient if you're contacting me during this time as I will not get back to you until Tuesday. Thanks for your patience:)

Health:Nutrition Reflection: Students will reflect on what they've learned from their nutrition unit and fast food unit.
Science: Earthquake/Plate tectonic review game! TEST TOMORROW!

Introduction to Illegal Drugs: Stimulants vs. Depressants~ Go over drug research power point requirements.
Science: Earthquake/Plate tectonic TEST

Health: Computer Lab~ Drug Research Project
Science: Computer Lab~ Volcano Research Project

Health: Computer Lab~ Drug Research Project
Science: Computer Lab~ Volcano Research Project

Health: Computer Lab~ Drug Research Project
Science: Computer Lab~ Volcano Research Project

Monday, February 2, 2009

February 2nd Lessons/Assignments

Health: Super Size Me! (Educationally Enhanced Version)
Science: Finish building earthquake towers

Health: Finish Super Size Me, complete fast food reflections
Science: Test earthquake towers/post lab questions due at the end of class

1/2 Day

Health: Fast Food~ Fats, Carbs, Protein, Cholesterol
Science: Types of Faults~ Normal/Reverse/Strike-Slip

Health: Guest Speaker~ Nurse Billy
Science: Mercalli/ Richter Scale

Sunday, January 25, 2009

January 26th Lessons/Assignments

Health: Food Pyramid old. vs. new
Science: Earthquake Notes, Grade reading study guide, finish plotting Earthquake data.

Health: Food Pyramid~ Students will create their own food pyramid and create a healthy menu based off all 5 food groups.
Science: Earthquake Notes: Choose groups for Earthquake Lab: Students will be constructing a building that can resist an Earthquake.

Health: Finish Food Pyramid Project/Go over tomorrow's fast food analysis assignment.
Science: Begin constructing buildings for Earthquake Lab.

Health: Fast Food Analysis~ Students will look at nutritional information from places such as Taco Bell, McDonald's, Buger King etc. and identify unhealthy and healthy items on the menu.
Science: Ms. J out for NJHS Field Trip~ Reading study guide 2.2 due at end of hour

Health: Super Size Me!
Science: Continue building structures for Earthquake Lab.

Monday, January 19, 2009

January 19th Lessons/Assignments

Standards: Strand 6 Earth and Space Science
Monday: No School MLK Day!

Health: Finish Analysis, Begin nutrition paper.
Science: Go over plate tectonics quiz

Health: Work on health paper in class.
Science: Introduction to Earthquakes!

Health: Food Pyramid: Old vs. New
Science: Earthquake notes: Reading Study Guide

Health: Food Pyramid: What is a serving size?
Science: Forces: Compression, Tension, and Shear.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

January 12th Lessons/Assignments

Health: Computer Lab~ Nutritional Analysis
Science: Plate Tectonics: Divergent, convergent, and transform boundaries.

Health: Computer Lab~ Nutritional Analysis
Science: Students will identify landforms created from divergent, convergent, and transform boundaries.

1/2 Day: Language Arts All-Write

Science: Vocabulary Review/Review for Quiz
Health: Present Essential Nutrient Ads

Health: Computer Lab~ Finish Nutritional Analysis
Science: Quiz over the Theory of Plate Tectonics and Divergent, Convergent, and Transform boundaries.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

January 5th Lessons and Assignments

Welcome Back!
Health: Go over course syllabus: Write personal definition of health. Go over food journal.
Science: Warm-up: What is your New Year's Resolution? Collect Earth's Surface Textbook/Pass out The Changing Earth Text. Textbook Scavenger Hunt.

Health: Go over personal health definitions. Begin unit on Nutrition: Main Idea~ What are the 6 essential nutrients your body needs to function. Assign groups for Nutrient Ad.
Science: Review Earth's layers focusing on Lithosphere. Read Chapter 1 Section 2 complete reading study guides A and B.

Health: Work on essential nutrient ads.
Science: Pass back rock cycle quiz, go over reading study guides. Discussion: Continental Drift

Health: Present essential nutrient ads.
Science: Pangaea Activity: Students will model the theory of plate tectonics.

Health: Finish essential nutrient presentations/Explain nutritional analysis activity for Monday.
Science: Pangaea Flip Book

Sunday, December 14, 2008

December 15th Lessons/Assignments

Health: Finish Super Size ME!
Science: Parachute Challenge: Students will construct a parachute (using plastic wrap, 1 paper clip, and 1 meter sewing thread that will have the longest "hangtime" in seconds and the best accuracy (closest to the target) when dropped from a predetermined height. AZ Science Standard: Scientific Inquiry

Health: Fast Food Analysis
Science: Sled Challenge: Students will create a paper sled that must support an egg from breaking when slid down a ramp into a target. The objective is to have the fastest sled time while keeping the egg from breaking. AZ Science Standard: Scientific Inquiry

Health: Healthy foods end of quarter party! We will celebrate the end of health by eating healthy foods!
Science: Sled Challenge Day 2: Students will test their sleds to see who's design is the quickest. AZ Science Standard: Scientific Inquiry

Shortened classes: End of Quarter reward: The movie ELF~ please make sure your child has turned in their permission slip to their 4th hour teacher.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

December 8th Lessons/Assignments

Health: Finish Food Pyramid Assignment and healthy menu.
Science: Compile Geo-Journal project (due today)/Begin Rock cycle Cd cover design

Health: Fats, Carbs, and Protein/Reading a food label.
Science: Science Idol: Students will present their rock cycle skits and songs.

Health: Food Label Activity: Students will analyze food labels to identify healthy and unheathy foods.
Science: Study Hall~ Students can complete missed tests, quizzes, and assignments before 2nd quarter grades close.

Health: Fast Food Analysis
Science: Rock Cycle Game~ Students will work in groups to complete the rock cycle game.

Health: Educationally Enhanced Super Size ME!
Science: Rock Cycle Quiz

Sunday, November 30, 2008

December 1st Lessons/Assignments

Health: Nutrition~ The food pyramid/Food Groups (Turn in Health Analysis if you didn't finish on Friday)
Science: Begin Rock Cycle Project~ This will be a 100pt. project. The project will consist of a webquest that will include a variety of tasks to be completed throughout the week. Tasks include classifying rocks, creating graphs, summarizing the rock cyle, creating a song, poem, or skit about the rock cycle, and many more. Students will have 4 days in the lab to type up summaries, do research, and ask me any question's about the project. The project will be due on Monday December 8th!

Health: Food Pyramid Activity: Student will receive food cards and will classify them in to groups on the food pyramid.
Science: Computer Lab: Rock Cycle Project

1/2 Day: Math Assessment

Health: Students will create their own food pyramid with healthy foods they eat and create a menu to go with it.
Science: Computer Lab: Rock Cycle Project

Health: Work on Food Pyramid Assignment
Science: Computer Lab: Rock Cycle Project

Sunday, November 23, 2008

November 24th Lessons/Assignments

Health: Computer Lab Finish Analysis
Science: Review for tomorrow's test

Health: Computer Lab: Type up summary of current nutritional health
Science: Test covering Rocks/Earth's Layers

7th Grade Imax Field Trip!

No School Happy Thanksgiving!

No School Happy Shopping!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

November 17th Lessons/Assignments

Strand 6: PO 2. Distinguish the components and characteristics of the rock cycle for the following types of rocks:
• igneous
• metamorphic
• sedimentary
Health: Film Above the Influence Commercials
Science: Finish Vocabulary Squares

Health: Computer Lab/ Nutritional Analysis
Science: Lecture Igeneous Rocks: Students will be provided with guided notes.

Health: Computer Lab/ Nutritional Analysis
Science: Igeneous rock lab

Health: Computer Lab/ Nutritional Analysis
Science: Metamorphic Rock Lecture

Health: Computer Lab~ Students will need to type up their summaries from the activity. DUE AT THE END OF CLASS.
Science: Metamorphic Rock Lab~ Foliated vs. non-foliated.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

November 10 Lessons/Assignments

Health: Work on Above the Influence Commercials.
Science:Main idea: Earth's Layer's Review: Quiz on Wednesday. Science Strand 6

No School Veteran's Day

Health: Tobacco and Drugs Review Game
Science: Earth's Layers Quiz: Introduction to Rocks: Students will examine how rocks differ from minerals. Strand 6: PO 1, and PO2.

Health:Test on Tobacco/Drugs.
Science: Main Idea: Three major rock groups: Igneous, Metamorphic, and Sedimentary. Reading Study Guide DUE AT END OF CLASS. Science Strand 6.

Health: Begin filming Above the Influence commercials.
Science: Main Idea: Rocks are classified by their orgin. Lecture on Igeneous rocks. Students will take notes and classify rocks in their kits according to INTRUSIVE vs. EXTRUSIVE. Science Strand 6

Saturday, November 1, 2008

November 3rd Lessons/Assignments

Health: Presentations
Science: Rock Candy Lab: Due to faulty electrical outlets on Friday we had to move our lab to Monday.

Health: Powerpoint Presentations
Science: Earth's Layers: Students will be able to identify Earth's layers, their thickness, and their composition. Observe Rock Candy growth.

Wednesday: 1/2 day
Science: 30 minute classes: Observe rock candy growth: Begin foldable model of Earth's layers.

Health: Presentations/ Review illegal drug information
Science: Students will create a foldable model of Earth's layers.

Health: Illegal Drug Review Game
Science: Rocks and Minerals movie

Sunday, October 26, 2008

October 27th Lessons/Assignments

Health: Illegal Drugs Research Project~ Computer Lab~ Students will be assigned an illegal drug (Marijuana, Methamphetamines, etc.) and will be required to create a power point presentation illustrating the effects of the drug (short and long term).
Science: Finish Mineral Testing Lab and Post Lab questions. Due at the end of the hour.

Health: Drug Research Project~ Computer Lab
Science: Mineral Review: Students will create a foldable study guide for tomorrow's key terms quiz.

Health: Drug Research Project~ Computer Lab
Science: Mineral Quiz

Health: Drug Research Project~ Computer Lab
Science: Graph Moh's Hardness Scale and do the pre-lab activity for tomorrow's rock candy lab. Explain Rock Candy Lab and review lab safety.

Health: Drug Research Project~ Computer Lab
Science: Rock Candy Lab! Students will create their own rock candy and see first hand how minerals form through evaporation.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

October 20th Lessons/Assignments

Monday:Health: Tobacco Pre-test/Begin Tobacco Lecture
Science: Main Idea~ Minerals are basic building blocks of Earth. Students will learn the four main charateristics of minerals (forms in nature, is a solid, definite chemical makeup, has a crystal structure)
Strand 6: Earth and Space Science Assignment: Reading Study Guide A and B to be completed in class.

Tuesday:Health: Tobacco Lecture
Science: Warm-up: What are the four characteristics of a mineral? How do scientist classify minerals? Main Idea: A mineral is identified by its properties. Students will learn how to identify minerals using distinct properties including (streak, luster, color, density, hardness) Assignment: Reading Study Guide A and B to be completed in class. Strand 6: Earth and Space Science

Wednesday: Health: Illegal Drugs Lecture
Science: Begin Mineral Identification Lab. Students will use the properties of streak, color, luster, etc. to identify minerals. Strand 6: Earth and Space Science

Thursday: Health: Explain Illegal drug research project.
Science: Moh's Hardness Scale/Density Test: Students will understand how to calculate density and use the Moh's Hardness scale to identify minerals. Strand 6: Earth and Space Science

Friday: Health: Computer Lab: Begin Drug Research Project
Science: Finish Mineral Identification Lab. Mineral Lab is due at the end of the hour! Strand 6: Earth and Space Science

Friday, October 10, 2008

October 14th Lessons/Assignments

Monday: No School

Tuesday: Health: Overview of class: Topics covered: nutrition, stress management, tobacco, illegal drugs.
Science: Go over movie worksheet/environmental issues project

Wednesday: Health: Discuss Red Ribbon week
Science: Earth Science Pre-test

Thursday: 1/2 Day:
Health: Pre-test
Science : Chocolate Unit

Friday: 1/2 Day:
Health: No health: Students goto specials
Science: Chocolate Unit

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Open conferences are on Wednesday October 15th. Feel free to stop in and talk to your child's teachers about their academic progress.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

October 6th Lessons/Assignments

Monday: Pass Back Biome Quiz (go over answers) Continue working on Environmental Issues project. Students will be working on the planning piece of this assignment. No Homework

Tuesday: Students will make an environmental crest to advocate the importance of their problem.

Wednesday: 1/2 day: All-Write

Thursday: Present Environmental Issues project: Debate solutions to choose the best one!

Friday: Ms. Janaulis out: (her wonderful family is in town:) Planet Earth Movie: Worksheet due at the end of the hour. Mrs. Obrien will be subbing.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Lessons/ Assignments September 29

Monday: Jeopardy Review Game! Biome Quiz tomorrow. This quiz will not be multiple choice! It will be a combination of short answer and essay. Please make sure your child is using the 2-fold note study guides we created in class.

Tuesday: Biome Quiz

Wednesday: Students will analyze how human's impact the environment. Environmental issues brainstorming activity. In class activity: Multi-flow map

Thursday: Students will choose an environmental problem that they care about and investigate possible solutions. They will begin to discuss in their groups the causes of their problem and how they might fix it. Next week students will begin to propose solutions for their environmental problem. They will create a plan and present it to the class. The goal is to convince the class that their plan is the best one to solve the problem.

Friday: Lake Pleasant Field Trip!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

September 22 Lessons/Assignments

Monday: Finish power point/Begin presentations. Students will be assigned a group grade based on the content of the presentation, overall knowledge of the biome, and delivery of the information to the class. No Homework

Tuesday: Biome Presentations/ No Homework

Wednesday: Biome Presentations/ No Homework

Thursday: Biome Presentations/Biome Review

Friday: Biome Quiz

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Biome Project Requirements

  • Biome Project
    There are large areas on Earth that have similar climates and distinct plant and animal populations. Each biome has its own producers, consumers, and decomposers. A biome usually covers parts of several continents (each continent has several biomes). There are six land biomes on Earth. These include the:
  • Grassland
  • Temperate Deciduous Forest
  • Desert
  • Tundra
  • Taiga
  • Tropical Rainforest
  • Aquatic (ocean)

  • Your Job:
    Research one biome and in a power point presentation include the following information:
    1. Areas where you can find this biome (continents)
    2. Amount of rain (precipitation) per year
    3. The average temperature
    4. Unique characteristics
    5. Plants found in this biome
    6. Animals or organisms found in this biome
    7. Animal adaptations that allow these animals to survive in the specific biome
    8. Identify the animals as producers, consumers, or decomposers.
~Make sure the powerpoint is colorful, contains pictures, and the writing is large enough for the whole class to see.
~Finally, you will present this information in a 2-3 minute presentation to the class. A good presentation is one where you are well informed on the topic. Each person in the group must speak during the presentation. You may also bring in any other visual aids that may add to your presentation.

September 15th Lessons / Assignments

Monday: Pass back test and go over answers. Begin Biome technology project! We will be learning about the different biomes of the world. Students will be researching and creating a powerpoint about one of the following biomes: Tundra, Taiga, Tropical Rainforest, Grassland, Desert, Deciduous Forest, or Aquatic (ocean). This will be a week long project with a 2-3 minute presentation requirement at the end. This project will be done entirely in class, and there will be no homework for the week.

Tuesday: Computer Lab: Research Day
Wednesday: Computer Lab: Research Day
Thursday: Computer Lab: Begin putting together power point presentation.
Friday: Computer Lab: Finish putting together power point presentation.

Presentations will be next week!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Ecology Test Study Guide

Ecology Test Study Guide
Tips for success: Re-read Chapter 1 sections 1.1 and 1.2 / Chapter 2 sections 2.1 and 2.2 (pages54-55).
Review your power point notes I gave you!!!! Very important!
Review your reading study guides!

Be able to define or match the following key terms:
Structural (wings, feathers, feet, beaks, claws)
Behavioral (mating rituals, migration, hibernation)
Physiological (venom, octopus ink, skunk sprays)

More information to know!
Be able to label abiotic and biotic factors when given a picture.
Be able to list the 4 most important abiotic factors that affect an ecosystem (temperature, light, water, soil) Be able to explain why these are the most important.
Be able to give examples of producers, consumers, and decomposers.
Know the two main types of decomposers
What is the primary energy source for most ecosystems?
Be able to identify the levels in an environment from smallest to largest and from largest to smallest (OrganismàpopulationàCommunityàEcosystemàBiome)
Be able to identify the different types of adaptations an animal has when given a passage to read.

Lessons and Assignments September 8th

Monday: Finish Animal Adpatations Project: Project Due at the end of the hour.

Tuesday: Work on Study Guide for Thursday's Test! Students will have the entire hour to complete the study guide. We will review the answers the next day.

Wedensday: In class review game! Test Tomorrow!

Thursday: Ecology Test

Friday: Introduction to Biomes! As a class we will read section 1.4 covering biomes and discuss the upcoming technology project.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Create-A-Creature Rubric

Create-A-Creature Rubric
Students will graded in three areas: Content, Work Quality & Effort, and Style and Mechanics.

Below is the breakdown for points: This project is out of 30pts!
Exceeds=10 pts
Good=7 pts
Fair=4 pts
Poor=2 pts

Creature Content
The creature includes all information relevant to the project. For example all 3 adaptations are clearly identified on the index card.

Creature includes all relevant information; however, it does not utilize the resources and/or is not well-organized. For example: You only include 2 out of the 3 adaptations.

Does not have all of the relevant information of the poster, or there is not enough information presented. Information is presented in an unorganized fashion. For example: you don’t include your adaptations, or if you do they are incorrect.

The creature is lacking all information. For example you have a picture drawn but you did not include any of the adaptations.

Work quality/effort
The work done demonstrates full effort that the learner is proud of. The effort that was put into this task is the best it can be by the learner.

The work was done with good effort that shows what the learner is capable of. It is evident that time was put into this creature and presentation.

Work is done with fair effort, but the quality is still not what the learner is capable of. It is evident that the work was rushed.

Work is done with little effort; quality is not what the learner is capable of. It is evident that the work was rushed and little time was spent on the final product. Work is incomplete.

The creature has an element of creativity and style, and is not just a list of adaptations with a stick person drawing. The poster is presented in a clear and concise manner with full understanding of the subject.

The creature is organized and adaptations are clearly indicated. Contains facts as well as very few mistakes.

The creature lacks style and is very disorganized. The creature lacks neatness and clarity.

The creature lacks a clear understanding of the subject matter and there are many errors. Creature is not creative or orginal.

Teacher Comments:

TOTAL SCORE _______/30.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

September 2nd Lessons/ Assignments

Monday: No School Labor Day!

Tuesday: Introduction to Predator-Prey Relationships. (AZ Strand 4, Concept 3) No Homework

Wednesday: Predator-Prey Lab/Game. Students will play a predator-prey game in order to understand how oraganisims survive. They will be introduced to animal adaptations. (AZ Strand 4) No Homework

Thrusday: Animal Adaptations: Students will understand the three types of adaptations (structural, behavioral, and physiological. They will define the word adaptation and give examples of each type.
No Homework

Friday: Create a creature project! Students will use what they know about animal adaptations to create a unique unknown creature. Their creature must have one-structural adaptation (beaks, claws, fangs), one-behavioral adaptation (migration), and one-physiological adaptation (venom/poision). They will have the hour to complete their creature creation!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

August 25th Lessons/Assignments

Monday: Investigating Decomposers: Students will work with their lab tables to set up a lab experiment involving decaying fruit. They will make a prediction about what will happen over the course of a week. In class assignment: 1.3 reading study guide. AZ Strand 4: Concept 3

Tuesday: Ms. J out (I will be at a training) Study Hall: Students will have the entire hour to make-up any missing or late work. Study hall will be something that will happen weekly and it will be rotated between subjects (for example: one week study hall will be in science, the next week it will be in math and so on)

Wednesday: 1/2 Day: (Ms. J Out)Students will be working on an All-Write. They will write about an assigned topic for the entire day using the writing process. This will help to prepare them for the AIMS test in the spring.

Thursday: (Ms. J Out) Students will watch a movie about Biomes and Ecosystems to introduce the different biomes of the world. Movie worksheet due at the end of the hour!Next week we will start our technology project for the semester. AZ Strand 4, Concept 3

Friday: Producers, Consumers, and Decomposers. Students will learn the different energy roles within an ecosystem. AZ Strand 4, Concept 3

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Lab Safety Poster Rubric

Lab Safety Poster Project

Directions: Before you can do any more labs in this class, you need to be aware of the lab safety rules. For this project, you are going to create a poster demonstrating a lab safety rule. You will have the rest of class today to brainstorm and start drawing sketches for your poster. (Paper for the poster will be provided.) Ms. Janaulis will need to see a sketch of your design before you may pick out your poster paper. Monday and Tuesday will be your only in-class workdays for this project. IT IS DUE by the end of class on Tuesday, AUGUST 19th. Ms. Janaulis will then decide which posters will hang in the science classroom this year. The illustrators of those posters will receive prizes. Have a plan, work hard, and be sure to follow the rubric below! You will need to have this rubric when you present on Wednesday!

Name(s) _______________________________________________________________Period _____
Lab Safety Poster Rubric (20 Points)

1. Does the illustration correctly display the rule?

2. Did the group give a clear explanation of the rule and
Demonstrate their understanding of it?

3. Did both individuals do an equal share of the project?

4. Is the rule number and rule written clearly and in bold
letters so that people may read it from a distance?

5. Ms. J. MUST initial in this box for you to get full credit on this project! Was the draft completed and SHOWN TO Ms. J
before the actual poster was created?

6. Is the poster neatly done (color in the lines,
few eraser marks, straight writing)?

7. Did the individual help the group to use its time wisely?

TOTAL _______/20

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

August 18 Week Class/ Assignments

Mon. Warm-up: Lab Safety Brainstorm. Discuss important lab safety rules. Inclass assignment: Spongebob read and identify the lab safety issues. Overview of Lab Safety Poster Project. Students will start the rough draft for the safety poster. No Homework

Tues. Lab Safety Poster Work Day! Students will have the hour to create thier lab safety poster. A rubric for this project will be provide. No Homework.

Wed. Ecology: Introduction to Abiotic vs. Biotic factors. Outdoor activity: Students will identify all the living and non-living things in their "school ecosystem." In class assignment: Read Section 1.1 in book complete study guide A and B inclass. AZ Standard 4 Concept 3

Thur. Ecology: Levels within an ecosystem. Discussion Organism->Population->Community->Ecosystem->Biome. No Homework AZ Standard 4 Concept 3

Fri. Ecology: Earth Science Pre-test: Students will take a pretest to assess their prior knowledge. No Homework! Have a great weekend!

August 11 Week Class/Homework

Lesson Plans
Ms. Janaulis

Mon. Classroom policies, procedures, getting to know you activity.
No Homework

Tues. Following Directions Paper Plane Activity
No Homework

Wed. Book Check-out/Textbook Scavenger Hunt

Thur. Introduction to the Scientific Method, Writing a Hypothesis, By Golly By Gum Lab. AZ Standard: Scientific Inquiry

Fri. Finish By Golly By Gum Lab /Record data table and create graph.
AZ Standard: Scientific Inquiry