Sunday, February 22, 2009

February 23rd Lessons/Assignments

Science Standards Covered this week:
Strand 6: Earth and Space Science~ Students will describe how volcanoes helped shaped the Earth.
Students will be able to label the parts of a volcano.
Students will be able to explain what causes volcanic eruptions.

Health: Presentations~ Complete group feedback form
Science: Presentations~Complete group feedback form

Health: Drug Lecture: Stimulants vs. Depressant drugs and how they affect your body
Science: Circle Map on Volcanoes~ Lecture on the 3 types of volcanoes Shield, Composite, and Cinder Cone. Use Salt dough to model in class.

Health: Inhalants, Steriods, and OTC drugs. What are the effects?
Science: Different types of lava.

Health: Illegal Drug folables! Review tomorrow.
Science: Vocabulary review, create foldable for quiz tomorrow.

Health: Complete study guide for test next Tuesday.
Science: Quiz over the types of volcanoes/types of lava. Be prepared to label diagrams and recognize descriptions of each type.

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